<aside> 💡 Here is where you can find your attendance as a member and your steps to active membership. The table below is our member roster for the Spring 2024 semester.
Attendance will always be recorded at every general meeting and our events by the Executive Board. If you happen to find discrepancies in your attendance, please contact our Secretary, Ariana Diaz.
Active Membership Requirements
General Meetings: 3/6
Social Events: 4/7
Social Media: 5/10
Volunteering: 3/6
Extra: you can earn up to 4 points extra to be allotted to the categories above as necessary
Paid Dues (any tier)
The memberships requirements above are calculated in points. Points are earned hourly. For example, LMSA will conduct 6 general meetings throughout the semester. In order to earn full credit for each meeting, it’s required to stay the majority of the meeting which you’ll earn one point per meeting. Thus, you’ll need to attend 3 general meetings for the full length to reach that active membership requirement.
For social events, you’ll need to stay at least 30 minutes to earn credit for each event. This can change according to the Director of Social Events and the event being held.
For social media, 1 point can be earned for sharing each activity post to your Instagram story. We’ll have interactive posts throughout the semester for you to do.
The point system will vary for volunteering, depending on the length of volunteering. For example, if we’re volunteering with Corazon Clinic, it’s typically from 7:30 AM - 12 PM. Every hour of volunteering is half a point (1/2). Every two hours is one point. If you volunteer with Corazon Clinic, you can earn 2.5 points of volunteering.